Friday, March 6, 2009

Charrise McCrorey - Full Out And Fearless

I recently had a coaching session with Charrise McCrorey, also known on Twitter as @CoachCharrise. Her website is Full Out & Fearless ( She and I met through Twitter and Steve Chandler (another Fearless friend). First of all, know that Charrise can help you focus your life so that you really do live a full out, fearless life.
Early in our conversation we found that we have some common background. Unlike many "coaches" today, her expertise isn't in how to use the web. Charrise has first hand experience in sales and other job functions in quite a few industries. Amazingly, she even has some background in my industry, the logistics business. Her experience is practical, too. She won't be telling you about something she read on someone else's blog!
Charrise then listened through more monologue than I care to admit. She asked questions that got to the heart of issues in my background very quickly. After the monologue, she made some recommendations that were really questions for me to answer for myself. She left me with 6 questions that helped focus my mental energy and bring clarity to my situation. Rather than telling me stuff I already knew, she helped me focus on just the gaps. The time I spent talking with her was very helpful. It went by very quickly.
Follow @CoachCharrise! Just do it. You won't regret knowing her. She brings value to people, something we can all use. Thanks Coach.

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